July 21, 2018
The Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) is a nationwide effort involved in rescuing domesticated/ captive wild animals. The WFFT is not a zoo.
Here in Thayang, Petchaburi, we spent an amazing unforgettable day with Malai Ngun, with other rescued animals and with smiley volunteers.

Malai Ngun was the third and final elephant rescued in 2016. Old, weak and blind in her left eye, the WFFT team initially found Malai in late November whilst on an investigation at the trekking camp she was rescued from.

Malai Ngun is a relatively slow, friendly and gentle elephant – though despite her age (67) she is also quite proactive and incredibly inquisitive, enjoying her daily walks. Very notably Malai Ngun also succeeded in escaping from her quarantine pen on her second day to go exploring in the local area, eventually being brought back from one of the nearby villages.

Since her arrival Malai Ngun has settled in well and shown interest in making friends with the other rescue elephants here at the WFFT Elephant Refuge. The team have plans to introduce her to other older ladies here in the future in the hope that she can enjoy her retirement in good company.

Read more about Malai Ngun
Read more about Elephant Refuge & Education Center