Daniele Davi'


There are still movies that give great emotions and make the hearts beat.
“Rush” directed by Ron Howard is one of these. The applauses that the movie takes at the end confirm that is not solely my opinion.
Rush or the Apollo 13 of the track as we can call it, is based on the true story of a friendship (and competitiveness) between Niki Lauda and James Hunt, and the world around them in the years (1975/1976) they won the world championship of F1 where there’s no time to say: “Huston we have a problem”, and fix it. The problem is that, the 20% of time, the driver  is not alive at the end of the race.


Maybe some people watch this movie waiting for an accident like it happens in a real race, but while watching it, I even forgot that there would be the (well known) accident in where Lauda got involved. The plot is well written, the dialogues are short and essential, the rhythm is fast and the alternation of the scenes of their lives inside and outside their “monoposto”, are well combined. Everything works fine like in the best orchestra and you are totally taken inside the story.

As the Jungle Book is not about biology, is not about Mowgly, and is not about friendship, this movie is not about accidents,  is not about F1, is not about Ferrari and yet is not about Lauda and Hunt.

This movie it is about the life and how to face it.
It is about the fear, the pain, the challenge, the falling and rise, the proud and again how to face them.
It is about the death and how to forget it fast, because in the show business, as in the life, the show must go on.